Tuesday, April 15, 2008

message from Fred

Dear friends,

I am overwhelmed by the number of postcards , handmade cards, gifts and good wishes coming my way since my stroke. My ability to type on the computer has been effected for now but I can still write well. Please know that you are in my thoughts. My appreciation runs deep. When I am feeling recovered I will attempt to send a more lucid message of thanks. Pat and I are so blessed to have people like you show concern for our well being and my fast recovery. please use my blog and also the new link to the justifying art blog( right hand side of home page) to add your voice to a discussion I’ve been wanting to have for years about just what makes the arts so critical for our health as a people and how do we present that to the public and wake them up to it’s importance. I look forward to reading your comments. A friend is typing my thoughts into the blog (justifying art) for me and that will be ready soon.

I send my love and gratitude your way.